Development and Roles of Faculty of Natural Resources

Established at Hatyai Campus in 1975, the Faculty of Natural Resources has been mandated to undertake academic responsibilities and to develop adeptness related to the natural resource management, porticularly the renewable resources, for instances, agricultural resources, fisheries, soil, water,forestry, and environment through 3 major processes : generation of academically competent graduates for researches, development of systems and contemporary technology to be implemented in resource management relevant to industrial, economic, social dimensions, and conservation. The ultimate process encompasses the academic services that carry on the knowladge and modern technologies to the societies at local, regional, national, and international scales.

Currently, the Faculty of Natural Resources consist of 3 divisions: Agricultural Innovation and Management, Animal Production Innovation and Management and Aquatic Science and Innovative Management. There are 7 undergraduate programs, 7 master’ s degree programs and 3 doctoral degree programs.

Details as:

Bachelor’s Degree
> Agriculture

    • Agricultural Development

    • Pest Management

    • Plant Science

    • Soil Science

> Agricultural Innovation and Management
> Animal Science
> Aquatic Science

Master ‘s Degree
>Agricultural Development
> Animal Science
> Aquatic Science
> Entomology
> Plant Pathology
> Plant Science
> Soil Resource Management

Doctoral Degree
> Aquatic Science
> Plant Science
> Tropical Agricultural Resources Management

The Faculty of Natural Resources has proven to be research entity and its staff are enthusiastically engaged in research with publications appearing nationally and in overseas. The research outputs have been manipulated in diverse forms of academic services. The research activities have a comprehensive coverage in several disciplines as follows :
Agricultural resources : researches are conducted in tropical fruit crops , perennial plants , and legumes , with special interest in pest management , breeds and breeding, tissue culture , soil fertility and management .
Livestocks : Ruminant researches , particularly breeding , swine and poultry study of agricultural wastes as animal feeds, soil resource with emphasis on improvement and development of problem soils for agriculture, e. g. , acid soil, land mine soil, deteriorated soil following shrimp aquaculture , and the study of precaution measures aganist soil erosion.
Aquatic resources : Researches in the ecosystem of brackish water , seas, and pollution in such habitats , aquaculture and management with particular concern in brackish species , e. g. , black tiger shrimp and sea bass. Also studied are resource management in brackish water and marine environments .
Resource sociology : Study of conflicts over land utilization , acceptance of modern technology in farming system , and implication of sociology in agricultural resource management.


To be the leading faculty of the country in the production and development of manpower, knowledge, and innovation for the sustainability of the Thai agricultural sector in the year 2025.


1) To produce graduates in agriculture and management who are diligent, honest and able to be entrepreneurs
2) Research and develop knowledge on agriculture and natural resource management, and help fulfill Southern Thailand’s potential to develop Thai agriculture according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy
3) To disseminate knowledge and provide academic services to increase the quality of life in communities at the national and international levels

Core Competency

To provide expertise in sustainable agriculture systems of Southern Thailand’s important economic crops (such as oil palm, rubber, durian), and important economic animals (such as goats, Betong chickens, sea crabs, seaweed, seabass, ornamental fish, Tor douronensis, a kind of river carp), and provide agricultural market services, including the PSU Farmers’ Market and the Southern Agricultural Fair.


“SMART Work”, namely
S = Sustainability
M = Management
A = Accuracy
R = Reality
T = Team Work